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5 Signs Your Child Needs to See a Dentist

As children grow and develop, regular dental check-ups are vital to ensure their teeth are healthy and their smile is bright. It is recommended to visit the dentist every six months, but in between check-ups, there are some signs you should be on the lookout for. We’re going to discuss five of those signs today. If you recognize any of these signs in your child, call Gentle Touch Smiles today to schedule an appointment.

-Swollen or Bleeding Gums

If your child has bloody gums after brushing their teeth, it may just be a sign that they are brushing too hard. However, it can also mean their gums are inflamed, which can result in serious periodontal issues if not treated. Check their gums for signs of inflammation (swollen appearance, overly red color, bleeding, etc.) as it can be a sign of plaque buildup that can lead to tooth loss, gingivitis, or periodontitis.

-Sensitive Teeth

Does your child complain that their teeth hurt when they drink a cold glass of ice water or eat some ice cream? That’s a sure sign of tooth sensitivity. Most often this is caused by a cavity, but it can also be a result of plaque wearing down their enamel, leaving the nerves within the tooth vulnerable. When a cavity is left untreated, the pain will increase, and it can result in a tooth abscess.


This is a sign that is similar to sensitive teeth, with a key difference. While sensitive teeth begin to hurt when in contact with hot or cold foods, a toothache is a consistent issue that always hurts. Usually it is a sign of a cavity, but it can also be a result of teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Even if the pain eventually goes away, it’s important to bring your child to the dentist as soon as you can, because the cause of the pain won’t heal on its own.

-Chronic Bad Breath

Halitosis is something that can affect anyone, of any age. If your little one has bad breath that sticks around even after they brush their teeth and floss, it can point to more serious issues, such as gum disease. Other possible causes include diet, chronic sinus infection, certain medications, and bacterial plaque. While mouthwash, gum, or breath mints may mask the issue, they won’t solve it. Bring your child into the dentist so they can get to the root of the problem.

-White Spots

When your child smiles, do you notice any strange white spots on their teeth? They can come up out of nowhere, seemingly, but they aren’t something you should ignore. These white spots can be a sign of extreme enamel decay, which can lead to permanent damage. As soon as you notice these white spots, call the dentist for an appointment right away. This is vital to halting the progression of harmful tooth decay.

Dental health has an impact on all of our lives, and your children are no different. If you recognize any of these signs in your child’s teeth, it’s important that you bring them into the dentist as soon as possible to avoid potentially permanent damage to their teeth. For the best dentist for children in Wilmington, call Gentle Touch Smiles today.