The clear path to straighter teeth and a more confident smile


Dental Care Blog

Why Does Your Child Need a Pediatric Dentist?

The Importance of a Pediatric Dentist Just as you need routine services like doctor and dentist visits, so does your child. Actually, they might need it more so! Pediatric dentistry is the study and care of children’s oral health. A pediatric dentist will be able to examine your child’s teeth and make steps to prevent…

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Have Our Dentist Fit Your Child for a Mouthguard

Why Children Need Mouthguards Most dental imperfections occur when you have an accident. For instance, a chipped tooth, cracks, and missing teeth can be the result from childhood accidents, such as falls, crashes, and from athletics. Because children live such active lifestyles, it is important to keep them well-protected. Of course, as a parent, you…

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6 Ways to Get Your Child to Brush Their Teeth

Our oral health is incredibly important from the day our first tooth breaks through the gums. However, many kids struggle to get in the habit of taking care of their teeth. In fact, the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation reports that over 40 percent of children have their first cavity by the time they begin…

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5 Signs Your Child Needs to See a Dentist

As children grow and develop, regular dental check-ups are vital to ensure their teeth are healthy and their smile is bright. It is recommended to visit the dentist every six months, but in between check-ups, there are some signs you should be on the lookout for. We’re going to discuss five of those signs today.…

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